Patriots Supporting Our Community

 2023 -2024 Completed Projects


Noah's Bandaid Project

The SPE community did amazing! We collected over 14,000 bandages!

Second grade brought in the most bandages overall.



Ava's Angels


Sox in a Box

It was another OUTSTANDING turnout for our community service event last week. We collected 1,574 coats, mittens, hats and socks to help the less fortunate in our community! That's over 300 more items than we collected when we did each drive separately last year. The 5th graders had a slow start, but ended up winning the glow-pajama party with over 500 items. A huge thank-you to the third graders for all their work with signage and counting. And so much appreciation for the coordination efforts that Mrs. Monson puts into every community service activity!



We are always open to new ideas and partnerships for service. If you have questions or ideas please contact our service chairs Beth Grzymala-Busse  and  Kelly Piper.